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Tips to cope with period pain during your exams

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Periods bring with it symptoms like fatigue, mood swings, severe pain, food cravings, headache and other bodily changes. Amidst all these changes, it becomes difficult for one to concentrate and study for the exam. PMS symptoms can put a lot of stress along with the pressure of exams. Painful periods are often a result of hormone imbalance or sometimes some other serious condition. Below are a few tips one can follow for coping with painful periods during exams:

  • Drinking lots of water helps in reducing the effect of PMS symptoms on the body. When girls are on their periods, it is suggested to drink at least 1.5 liters of water. While giving the exam, it is beneficial to carry a water bottle along so that the body does not get a chance to get dehydrated.
  • Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet is imperative during the examination time. Consuming magnesium-rich foods including fresh fruits, green vegetables, nuts and seeds helps in relaxing the tense muscles and cramps. Eating unhealthy food depletes the level of magnesium in your body paving way for cramps and pain.
  • Use a heating pad for reducing cramps and pain being felt in the abdomen. It gives a temporary relief from pain and makes a person ready to give a 2-3 hour long exam. The pain receptors get dull and heat receptors get activated which nullify the pain.
  • Keep a check on the bowel movements since slow bowel movements signify of congestion in the stomach. The congestion of the stomach creates a physical mass and pokes into the sensitive womb. To keep the bowels moving, one should increase the intake of fibre and start drinking large amounts of water.
  • Stay organised during your exams in order to avoid cases of leakage and staining of clothes. If the periods have not started and you are feeling cramps in your abdomen, then as a precaution, wear a sanitary napkin/tampon to the examination hall.

Performing specific exercises to reduce the amount of pain during periods is suggested. Going out for a walk/jogging can help reduce the symptoms of PMS. Exercising helps in the release of neurotransmitter called dopamine which helps in relieving the symptoms.

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