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Irritable Periods This Winter? Try These Tips To Feel Better

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Winters normally means that you’re gonna lie down, curl up on your bed with a blanket on and never feel like getting out. Like NEVER! We totally understand. The mood seems to plummet, you fall sick easily, it’s cold and you just don’t feel like going out and meeting anyone. Why should you waste your energy on seeing faces you don’t want to? (ughhh!!)

But but but…winters are the time when your body amplifies the effects of periods further, it is known (did you get the Game of Thrones reference?). So it’s even more important that you at least do those things that keep period pains at bay and keep you hygienic as much as possible.

We went on our regular tour of the Internet to scour for tips and tricks to keep you comfy over the cold months.

Here are some tips you need to take care of during winters:

  • The Power of Scents: It is said that the right scents can reduce the amount of pain that you feel. A lavender scented candle or an aroma diffuser with your favourite fragrance can really be of great relief.
  • Vitamin D3: Include a lot of Vitamin D3 in your diet, especially just before your periods. Try and have fatty fish like tunas, salmon, some orange juice and cereals.
  • Ginger Tea: Make yourself a cup of ginger tea on days when you feel too much pain from all the cramps.
  • Keep your body warm: Use hand warmers and hot water bottles to keep your body warm. It helps in reducing pains from cramps. You should also try running before and during your periods. It helps to open the muscles of your body and keeps you warm throughout most of the day.
  • Acupuncture & Acupressure: Acupuncture and acupressure can balance the hormones in your body and periods by releasing chemicals in your brain.
  • Reduce Soy and Grain-based foods: Avoid grain-based foods like rice, pasta and bread. Yes, you can have it once in a while but don’t make it a regular thing.
  • Avoid Cold Foods: Cold and raw foods can contribute to more cramping. Cold processed foods result in lesser blood flow and thus more chances of a clot. Try and stick to warmer foods.

Winters can be tough on you and periods are even tougher! But stay strong! We all are going through exactly what you are, sisters! Ask for help whenever and wherever you can. You’ll be surprised how many will come forward and help you!

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