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Are Your Periods Different During Different Seasons?

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Yes, period pain can be different during different seasons. Not only that, but it can also be an entirely different experience from season to season. Women go through a lot to attain adulthood, that’s common knowledge. The sudden hair growth, acne, body changes and more, but the most significant of all these changes is getting your period. Tough as those days are, we end up becoming pros at handling them, whether they last 3 days or 6.

Seasonal changes affect a lot of things, your metabolism, mood, and even your periods. But who would’ve thought that period durations can change too? That’s right, not only do they hurt in different degrees during different seasons, they also become longer and shorter with changing seasons.

Studies show that sunshine or lack of it can actually change the length of your periods. It has been suggested that ovarian activity is higher in summer as opposed to the winter. This is due to the prevalence of sunshine before ovulation. Sunshine helps our body increase its secretion of ‘Follicle Stimulating Hormone’ (FHS), a hormone that helps regulate the reproductive functions of the body.

Hence, it may so happen that you might ovulate less frequently during the winter leading to a longer menstrual cycle as compared to the summer season. A lot of things can mess with your periods, from stress to travel, there’s a huge number of factors that come into play.

If you live in a climate with drastic seasonal changes like ours, chances are that your menstrual cycle will also go through adjustments. But that’s not all that causes fluctuations in our periods. Lifestyle changes during different seasons of the year are a chief factor in determining when you get your period, as well as how it affects you. If your periods are acute in the winter, then there’s actually a reason for that.

When the weather is comfortable and not too cold, we spend a  lot of time moving and that’s the reason that our periods are shorter during the summer. As we’ve mentioned in our previous posts and blogs, one very simple and effective way of relieving PMS symptoms, like pain, headaches and mood upliftment, is exercising. The more you move around, the better your chances of avoiding PMS symptoms.

So, much as you may want to curl up in bed and indulge in full carb and chocolate binge sesh. Don’t do that. Being less active can lead to more cramps and PMS symptoms. Instead, get up, get out and take a walk. The more active you become, the better you will feel and less likely to have heavy and irregular menstrual bleeding.

Moreover, climate change affects your periods by altering the bodies’ metabolic rate which relates to hormonal imbalance. When you transfer geographically to a place where the weather is hot or cold your body doesn’t regulate automatically.

Consequently, our cycles also change due to our own behavioral shifts. Certain things that we associate with colder months like exercising less, eating high fat and sugary foods. Such lifestyle changes can increase period pain and other PMS symptoms like bloating, acne, breast pain, headaches, and moodiness.

In the end, though the weather does influence your menstrual cycle, factors like stress, travel, and changes in diet, exercise, and sleep patterns are also factors that often coincide with changes in the seasons and contribute to the changes in our cycle. The best policy? Follow a healthy diet as much as possible and make sure that you exercise your body on a regular basis. The higher your level of fitness, the better your ability to handle and cope with PMS symptoms.

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