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Things to Know About Anemia and Your Period (Edition 1)

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When the red blood cells and hemoglobin levels are less than normal, the condition is diagnosed with Anemia. Hemoglobin present in the red blood cells transports oxygen from your lungs to all of your body. Iron deficiency is the most common cause of Anemia. Some other causes can be heavy periods and childbirth. Consider the common symptoms of Anemia like:

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches

In this blog, we dive deeper into various causes of Anemia, how to know if periods are the cause, and the possible remedies to treat this condition:

What is Anemia?

Anemia is generally characterized by iron deficiency in your blood which can be either a temporary or long-term condition. When you do not have enough red blood cells and hemoglobin to carry the oxygen to all the tissues and organs in your body, it is clinically diagnosed as Anemia. The main causes of Anemia are:

  • loss of blood
  • low levels of red blood cells
  • high levels at which red blood cells are destroyed

Iron deficiency anemia is when you don’t have enough iron in your body to make hemoglobin. This type of Anemia is more common among women than men. To understand why women are at a greater risk for iron deficiency anemia, consider these causes:

  • Heavy periods
  • Pregnancy
  • Vegan & vegetarian diets
  • Lack of absorption of iron and chronic conditions

How can your periods lead to Anemia?

Women can often experience heavy periods, also known as menorrhagia. When there is heavy bleeding during your periods, you are losing more red blood cells leading to an iron deficiency. Consider the symptoms of heavy menstrual bleeding?

  • If you need to change pads every few hours in a row.
  • You use a set of double pads to absorb your menstrual flow
  • You get up at night to change pads due to leakage. Use Sofy AntiBacteria Overnight Pads to avoid this.
  • Your period lasts for seven days or longer.
  • Your menstrual flow has large clumps or clots of blood.
  • You generally feel weak and fatigued during your period.

Apart from heavy menstrual bleeding, you may also have factors in your diet and your overall health that can lead to Anemia. When you increase, your iron intake ay helps prevent iron deficiency anemia. In this edition of the blog, you get you to have a better idea of how heavy menstrual flow can lead to Anemia. Go on and read the next blog, Edition 2, to gain more insight on how iron deficiency Anemia is diagnosed and the preventative measures.

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