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5 Fun Activities Every Single Woman Can Enjoy During Her Period

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While on periods, the grass might seem extra greener on the other side. Well, it doesn’t have to be for you as we have got a whole bunch of activities for you to enjoy. 

If you are single, you might feel extra emotional during your period. You might look at the couples out there and get more upset. Do not fret if you are single, here are some activities that you can enjoy during your period:

Read a Book

Even if you are not an avid reader, get some of the books that interest you and stack them on your table. Have a small cozy nook called the period read corner, where you can curl up with a warm blanket with a cup of warm tea while reading a good book.

Watch a Movie at Home

You don’t have to be single to watch a good movie at home. Do not feel bad about a movie date night. Someday, someone worthy of you will take you out for a movie. As for the movie at home, get some classic black and white movies. If you have Youtube, you can watch these movies by connecting to your TV.

Play with Your Pets

Yes, you shouldn’t be doing strenuous exercises during your period but you can always play with your pets. The extra cuddles and hugs would make you feel better and release all those feel-good hormones.

Go on a Solo Day Out

You don’t need friends and a boyfriend to explore your local city or a day out. Get a leave for a day and go for a walk at a local nature park. After that stop at a local coffee roaster and enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee and some breakfast. After this, you can either explore that place in the city which you always wanted to visit or return home.

Invite Your Best Friend Over

When alone and on periods, you might desire some company. If your best friend is available, invite her to visit you, do some activities together, and have lunch. When you have a friend like this, you will never miss having a boyfriend.

These are some of the fun activities that you can enjoy doing during your period. 

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