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Summer Foods That Are AWESOME For Your Periods!

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Let’s face it. Our menstrual period is one of the most difficult routines we go through every month. It’s not all that bad, it’s just plain uncomfortable. And in a tropical country like ours where seasons are varied and temperatures pretty much extreme, our menstrual cycles aren’t the only things wreaking havoc on a monthly basis.

Summers are pretty much here, and the periods we spoke about above are going to get just a tad bit more uncomfortable. So, we thought we’d let you in on a little secret. What’s the secret you ask? Well, let’s just say that there are certain foods that can help regulate your periods as well as keep your temperature in check while you are on your period this summer.

Did you know that traditionally, or rather in the old days, there was a specific menu that women followed during their periods, along with home remedies to help ease the more difficult symptoms?

There are certain food items that can be considered hot and cold depending on their taseer. Taseer essentially means effect, the effect of certain food items in this case. Hot food (garam taseer) items increase body heat which in turn increases the intensity of pain. It is usually suggested that women consume cold food (thandi taseer) items during their periods. Meats and poultry should particularly be avoided. Similarly, in order to regain strength and ease cramps, one must consume a healthy diet of fresh fruits, vegetables and oil-rich nuts like peanuts, flax seeds, almonds, pumpkin seeds, etc.

Now, for the 7 food items that will really make a difference during your periods this summer.

Papayas & Watermelons

Watermelons are an excellent alternative for sugary sweet snacks when you feel bloated, especially in the days before your period. For those looking to regulate their periods, add some raw papaya to stimulate estrogen production. Papayas will also help break down the uterine lining and are known to increase the flow, similar to pineapples.


Bananas are notably rich in potassium and Vitamin B6. Not only do they help with bowel movements and digestion, but they are also a powerful booster for  your mood. A banana a day keeps the PMS and mood swings away. Just make sure that you don’t consume bananas on an empty stomach, always have some milk before eating a banana if you haven’t eaten anything else.


Did you know that a 100 gms of orange has 40 mg of calcium? Moreover, the same calcium actually helps reduce anxiousness? It’s true! The fresh smell of an orange peel and the Vitamin D within the orange also help lighten and brighten your mood when you’re low on energy. Talk about natural remedies!


Almonds should become your favorite snacking option during periods. Rich in fiber and protein, almonds help regulate your blood sugar and reduce cravings. So, the next time you’re craving chocolates or cookies, try having some almonds first. You could always pop a piece or two of chocolate into your mouth to finish. This way you’ll feel more satisfied, less bloated and full.


Summers are a great time to get creative with yogurt. There’s so much you can do with yogurt- parfaits, smoothies, sauces, the list goes on. Yogurt is one of the best foods to consume during your period. It has a thandi taseer, i.e. it keeps your body temperature in check and keeps you cool. It’s a great source of calcium, which can help you relax your muscles. It also contains live cultures that promote healthy digestion.  Any food item that includes calcium can be considered a restorative for menstrual cramps.

Chia Seeds

Slight depression and sadness are inevitable during PMS. This is where Chia Seeds come in, protein-rich, full of dietary fiber, packed with tons of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. The goodness doesn’t end there, Chia Seeds are also the world’s best anti-depressants with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Helping relieve the various aches and pains experienced before and during the periods. Our suggestion? Try a banana and papaya smoothie bowl, with a sprinkle of chopped almonds and chia seeds and a side of watermelon and orange sections- keep the portions small. This is the ultimate period relief food for the summer and we swear by it.

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